1-1 Coaching & Guidance

 A 6-Month Container towards building self and business as praxis.

Welcome to a space, that calls us home. Here we work through and with the soma of the personal, the kin, the community, the ancestors, and the beyond. We honor your humanity here. 

I invite you; a maker, shifter, builder, care taker, who’s been feeling a deep cravings for reimagining your business as a regenerative praxis towards personal and collective liberation. If you are feeling the current ways of being and doing no longer in alignment, and your soul craves to call in more nourishing futures for all beings, you are welcome here. Let’s play.


In our current systems building nourishing ethical businesses that also teach us how to stand up for the futures we want to co-author, is not always ‘easy’. I believe that even our attempts to challenge the ‘how’ and stay in alignment with our ‘why’, is an act of subtle psychic resistance. And through resistance, there is also healing. 

This is how I am choosing to define liberation-centered coaching right now with you. Liberation asks us to question ‘what is’ and ‘re-imagine’ nourishing possibilities. As we dismantle the oppressive systems within ourselves, we are able to show up through more joy, courage, and compassion to hold more expansive possibilities for self and collective.



Our work together might look like:

  • a re-examining of your relationship with late-stage capitalism,
  • the boundaries you want to hold or are not holding around relationships with others/systems and why,
  • how you want to integrate justice work or more of your ethical values into the way your business is structured and operated, 
  • your relationships with money in renegotiating what ‘right exchange’ could mean for you, 
  • how to alchemize anger/rage, be with the uncomfortable, or sit with joy and laughter. 
It may also look like: 
  • an audit of your business administration, 
  • a playful space to challenge ‘what a business should look like’ or what YOU as a business ‘should’ be perceived as which may translate to more resonant ‘copy’, ‘marketing efforts’, etc.
  • an exploration into your tech stack 
  • centering your needs and practicing how to ask for them, 
  • or simply a place to idea generate, vent, and spar across realms of imagination. 

This work is dynamic and I will meet you exactly where you are at now. 

Who is it for?

Although, I call in those who have chosen to use business as part of your praxis for liberation and self/collective sovereignty, I welcome all who want space to tend to the tender. Even if you’re new to any of this and simply feel a calling inside of you – a knowing that something needs to change for ourselves and our global communities. Or you’re a seasoned contemplator of these topics, we’ll walk this road in co-authorship.


My commitment to you:

This is a space for you to be held in compassion and grace, along side accountability to your values, ethics, and boundaries, so that you can unweave, reseed, water, tend, find new sources of light if need be, and recreate a more nourishing tapestry of your work.

I am here to care and support you as you navigate the unseen and unknown – in consideration of structures of power; capitalism, supremacism culture, etc. In order to find your way back to your self, to speak your own language, to step into the cypher feeling centered, with unwavering courage of your dō or path.  The work happens inside and expresses itself from there. 

This container holds you for 6-months, but I acknowledge that it is a life long ritual that must be considered over and over again. I am committed to you and your journey.


My hope:

I want so deeply for more of us to find our way through liberation, as healing, not just our inner world, but how that translates to our external actions for the collective. 

“Self liberation does not exist without collective liberation, and collective liberation does not exist without self liberation.”

And in this container, I want so much for you to find your way to running a deeply nourishing and profitable business as praxis, to making an income that takes care of you and people, and for you to do so in honoring of your humanity. 

If you, like me, feel a deeper calling to develop your business as praxis towards self and collective liberation, wellbeing, and equitable abundance, I am here to walk this path side by side with you as a transformational coach, guide, and friend. 

If you like me, yearn for more intimate healing, I invite us to get to know each other. 

Alongside our 1-1s, I offer peer to peer support and collective care, as healing and change work does not happen in a vacuum. I’m here for you – if this resonates, feel free to book a call. 

The Container (what you get)

You’ll be supported through: 

  • 6-months of 1-1 Calls (in person or Zoom)
  • 15, 75-minute Calls 
  • 1, (optional) Omamori Session + Omamori Talisman (included in the 15 calls)
  • Telegram Support in-between calls
  • Access to additional workshops/classes & resources
  • Access to Select Studio Rana Classes {virtual} 

How does your business dance with you, 

how does it support the collective, 

how does it give you space for your own healing work? What does business as praxis look like for you? 

This is for you if you no longer year for ‘business as usual’, for those of you who want to build a business that allows you to receive fully in right exchange, in knowing that your work is part of the landscape of our growing more loving futures, and the work of deepening our ability to see our humanity and the humanity of others.


“Working together with Kenta was one of the best investments I ever made for myself, both professionally and personally. After one consultation, I immediately felt a shift in my mindset and I was immediately re-inspired. He brought a level of clarity to help me hone in on my goals and helped me unlock and unblock where I felt stuck. The partnership was really helpful for me because the sessions held me accountable, but I also knew I wasn’t alone in the process. Through Kenta’s coaching, he provided the framework and “the how” but he always brought me back to my core values so that my “what” and “why” always felt aligned with my intentions. When I had a million ideas running through my head, Kenta always brought me back and grounded me.”

Linda T. – Marketing Director | MSCHF

“Kenta helps you find a deeper understanding, meaning, clarity, in what it is that you do. I’d recommend having Kenta as a coach if you are an entrepreneur, artist, misfit or a combination of all three looking to grow their business and find intention with their work. It was honestly a very healing experience doing coaching sessions with Kenta and beyond the practical aspects, I came away from our sessions with a radically different mindset from when I first began. Kenta helped me find joy again in what I do. Rather than my work and career journey being done out of fear, lack, and insecurity, Kenta helped shift my perspective to work from a place of abundance. As an artist, it’s often difficult to get in the mindset that we are small business owners. Kenta understands this as a creative entrepreneur himself.”

David K. – Artist

The Investment

I offer a sliding scale. Payment plans are available.

$6,000 USD

($1,000 USD/month)

  • You are not worried about your income. You may own property, or have a savings account from which you can invest. Even if it mentally feels challenging to invest in yourself, you feel largely that you’ll be okay financially. 
  • You have the ability to actively choose where your money goes. 

  • You are from an economically privileged background or have the ability to pay it forward. 

By picking this tier, you are ‘Paying it Forward’ to make it more accessible for those at the lower end of the scale. 

$5,500 USD

($916.66 USD/month)

  • The majority of your time is NOT spent on worrying about your basic needs. 
  • You feel secure that making this investment won’t largely jeopardize your long term financial well being. You have a stable source of income. 
  • You may be paying off debt, but you feel secure that you will be able to make this investment even if it means having to get financially creative or cut back on certain ‘wants’ in the short term. 

$5,000 USD

($833.33 USD/month)

  • Your basic needs are mostly met. This includes housing, food, childcare, and anything you feel fits under this category. Though it may feel challenging you discern that investing in coaching won’t largely jeopardize your ability to pay for basic needs, even if it means needing to get extra resourceful. 

  • You feel that you will be able to pay for this partnership in the long term; however, choosing the middle tier would mean you would have to save for more than 12 months to pay off this investment.

I understand that sliding scale systems can bring up money wounds and stories. 

I strive to be as class conscious and equitable as possible, while maintaining my own boundaries. I am always happy to discuss this pricing during our ‘introductory call’ if this container calls to you and address any concerns.

Although I am here to hold you through your money wounds and stories, I recognize that money is a very real boundary, and I am not here to cast any judgment on how you experience it right now. I am not here to convince you of anything. I want to lovingly share that I trust in you and empower you to follow your intuition. 

w. Gratitude – 

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